Сайт учителя английского языка

 МОУ "Аликовская средняя общеобразовательная школа имени И.Я. Яковлева"

Толмачёвой Натальи Вячеславовны 


План-конспект урока в 9 классе

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку

“Reading and books in our life”


Учебные цели:

1. Закрепление лексики по теме.

2. Развитие навыков говорения (в монологической и диалогической форме)


                            Воспитательные цели:

                            1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка.

                            2. Прививать любовь к чтению и к творчеству английских и русских  писателей через проекты школьников.


                           Оборудование: компьютер, экран, магнитофон, костюмы для сценки- драматизации.



Ход урока


  1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и целей урока.

Good morning, dear friends! Today we’ll speak about many interesting things, we are going to see your projects and a performance.

  1. Фонетическая разминка: показ презентации

                                                          Whether the weather is fine,

                                                      Or whether the weather is not,

                                                       Whether the weather is cold,

                                                      Or whether the weather is hot,

                                                       We’ll weather the weather

                                                       Whatever the whether,

                                                        Whether we like it or not.

  1. Our topic for today is “Reading and books in our life”. And we’ll try to answer the following questions:1. What do you imagine when you think of literature?

                                        2. What sorts of books do you know?

                                        3. What British writers and poets do you know?

                                        4. Who is your favourite writer?

                                        5. Is  reading important?

We’ll need some words and expressions. Look at the blackboard, listen to me and repeat. (a reference book, pronunciation, to give (get) information, to solve problems, to inspire, a bookworm, to be fond of, a galaxy, notable, to escape from, a library)

·        Read the words to each other.

·        Read the words one by one.

·        Translate into English.

·        Make up some sentences with these words.


·        What do you imagine when you think of literature? - When I think of literature I imagine books, poets, magazines, libraries, writers.


·        What sorts of books do you know? - Reference books, novels, dictionaries, romances, non- fiction books, comics, thrillers.


·        What  books do you like reading? -  I like reading…


                                                                              I am fond of…

                                                                               As for me…

                                                                               I prefer…

·        What British writers and poets do you know? - There is a galaxy of British writers and poets. They are W. Shakespeare, R. Burns, Ch. Bronte…

     4. Ch. Bronte is one of the famous British writes. Now I let you see the performance from her novel “ Jane Eyre”.

     5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

·        Работа в режиме Учитель- класс

·        Группа- группа

·        Группа- ученик

·        Ученик группа

  1. Показ проектов

7.   Подведение итогов урока.

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